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Thursday, 30 April 2009

Omaka Marae Maori Kai Experience

Hello !
Food is an important part of any culture and this is indeed the case with Maori. You are invited to attend a Maori Kai experience at Omaka Marae where you will experience Maori hospitality, and traditional Hangi food at its best. 
Sunday May 31, 4.20 to 7.30 pm
Omaka Marae at the end of Aerodrome Rd
You will be officially welcomed onto Omaka Marae by the local tribe, be given a tour of the ancestral house, talk about the importance of food in Maori culture, be shown a hangi and, the best part of all, dine together enjoying each others company.
4:20       Group meets at Omaka Marae
4:35       Briefing
4:45       Powhiri onto Omaka Marae
5:10       Go and see hangi/help dig hangi up
5:30       Tour through ancestral house
6:10       Hangi time
7:30       Finish
Cost: $20 for Slow Food Financial Members, $30 for non-members.
BYO drinks.
Please RSVP to and make arrangements for payment no later than 25 May.  Spaces are limited.
Nau te rourou, Noku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
"With your food basket and my food basket the people will be sustained"


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